Re the pain aux raisins--There may be a glaze on some of them, mostly the crust just seems to be brushed with butter before baking. The dough and raisins are sweet which is probably enough.

I think you should write about your eye surgery, anyone going through something similar would probably be interested. I've been following someone who chronicled her knee surgery--interesting for me to see the difference between France and the US and also to get an idea of recovery times.

I'm not sure about the pain ranking--an 8-9 to me might be a 6-7 to a more stoic type. Just my opinion of course. Give it a try though . . .

Janice Macdonald
Janice Macdonald

Written by Janice Macdonald

At 68, I started a new chapter in my life: I moved to France. Alone. It turned out to be quite the page-turner. Still is — even when age insists on a part.

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