Thanks for the feedback and comments, Anne. Rents depend a lot on where you want to live. Cities are usually much more expensive, Paris especially so. I’ve foud it easier to rent through various ex-pat networks. French immobliers (realtors) are sometimes reluctant to rent to foreigners and can demand lots of documentation and advance deposits equal to a year’s rent. Obviously there are exceptions, but that’s my impression and experience. The Languedoc, where I live, is probably more expensive than areas in the north or middle of the country — the weather is better and it’s near the coast. I pay roughly the equivalent of $800 — far, far cheaper than I’d be renting in the States — at least on the west coast. I’m also in a small village which has a boulangerie, a butcher and a small (usually closed) cafe, but not much else. I’ve been told that my rent is high for this area — so it would probably be possible to pay less rhan that. Hope that helps a little.